MOO: Internal Project
Whilst working at MOO, I was asked by the HR department to create a brand (and print material) for a new pop-up shop that was to be held in the office. The idea of the pop-up was for employees to bring in unwanted vintage clothing items in and donate them, so that the items could then be sold on to other employees. It reduced waste of clothing, by recycling. It was named 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' .

I designed the above basic logo that represented recycling at MOO, using the MOO brand drop and the universally recognised recycling symbol. I chose the main colour palette after being inspired from vintage fabrics.

Full print suite, featuring stickers, invoices, tags and information cards.

Information cards detailing the item's journey through recycling. The tag features care instruction icons in a one-size-fits-all style, with icons on would be the best care instructions for most aged/ vintage garments, such as 'hand wash' and 'low heat' for ironing.

These Minicards act as an extra tag, indicating the use of the item from the previous owner.

Stickers to label items with prices, and some extra stickers to brand the shop interior / invoices.

The invoice sheet is a perforated page, instead of using carbon copy paper as we did not have access to any. The shop keeps the top invoice, and the bottom one is given to the customer.