The Brief
Choose a classic novel and interpret it visually for a specific audience - such as children, teens, adults, collectors or art lovers. Consider format, size and shape. Think about how text and imagery work together, composition, media, stock etc. A minimum of six double pages as a deliverable, a classic novel reinterpreted to attract a greater audience/interest in classic novels. You should include both text and image to maximum effect.
Choose a classic novel and interpret it visually for a specific audience - such as children, teens, adults, collectors or art lovers. Consider format, size and shape. Think about how text and imagery work together, composition, media, stock etc. A minimum of six double pages as a deliverable, a classic novel reinterpreted to attract a greater audience/interest in classic novels. You should include both text and image to maximum effect.

My concept for this project was to create an interpretation of The Chronicles of Narnia into a paper cut book, in concertina form, as a collector's item. I decided to use 300gsm watercolour card to sustain the small details, as well as give an antique snow-like texture and feel to the crisp off-white pages, which represent the main settings in the book. The paper cut technique also creates a 3D snowflake pattern when the concertina is closed. The paper cut also produces shadows for a Lightbox or silhouette style shadow-show. I hand cut all mockups and supporting pieces with a scalpel up until the production of the final book, in which I chose to learn laser-cutting software. I vectorised all the designs to be read by the cutter. I used minimal typography to summarise the story with popular quotations.
My concept for this project was to create an interpretation of The Chronicles of Narnia into a paper cut book, in concertina form, as a collector's item. I decided to use 300gsm watercolour card to sustain the small details, as well as give an antique snow-like texture and feel to the crisp off-white pages, which represent the main settings in the book. The paper cut technique also creates a 3D snowflake pattern when the concertina is closed. The paper cut also produces shadows for a Lightbox or silhouette style shadow-show. I hand cut all mockups and supporting pieces with a scalpel up until the production of the final book, in which I chose to learn laser-cutting software. I vectorised all the designs to be read by the cutter. I used minimal typography to summarise the story with popular quotations.
The book is 33 pages long and 13cm x 13cm.