MOO August Campaign

Concept + Art Direction for Emails
Objective: Encourage our customers to prepare for the holidays. Inspire them to give thoughtful gifts to their clients, customers, and employees.

"In the world of business, the concept of "free" is a rare find. Let's cut through the corporate jargon and be straightforward. Businesses engage in giving with an underlying motive – and when it's done with care and premium products, it yields results! Happier employees, a more loyal customer base, and maintaining top-of-mind awareness all year round – it can benefit you in multiple ways. We're here to assist everyone in the art of giving now to reap rewards later."

Campaign Concept: Jonny Davies
Photographer: Rob Wilson
Artworker: Ben Rosser

Left emails: For MOO's Self Serve audience. Right emails: For MOO Business Customers

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