MOO Direct Mails
Concept + Design
Concept + Design
With a clear objective of engaging non-emailable customers, I closely collaborated with MOO copywriter Claire Wombwell to execute 3 direct mail pieces, each directed at different MOO customer types. From premium anniversary postcards to warm welcome messages for new customers, each deliverable was designed to drive customer loyalty and revenue growth.
Artworker: David Martin
Copywriter: Claire Wombwell
Mockups created from previous MOO imagery, shot by Chynna Guyat and art directed by Jonny Davies.
Artworker: David Martin
Copywriter: Claire Wombwell
Mockups created from previous MOO imagery, shot by Chynna Guyat and art directed by Jonny Davies.
Anniversary Postcard, with the day count on the front side changing for different anniversary years..
Reactivation Postcard, option 1
Welcome postcard
Reactivation Postcard, option 2 which was also chosen to distribute for an A/B test.